dilluns, 7 de juny del 2010


Ja teniu l'oportunitat de veure una de les moltes activitats que han fet els nens/es de la classe d'en Robafaves i de la Geganta amb la "Teacher"
Aquí els nens/es estan mirant la història de "Little Red" a l'ordinador. Estan molt atents per no perdre detall, no fos cas que sortís el llop per la pantalla.

I a continuació, alguna de les escenes de la representació del conte:
This is a Little Red. She's taking some cakes to her granny.
La, la, la, la la!
What a lovely day!(Oh, no! Look!There's a wolf!)
Hello.Where are you going?
To see my granny.
What's that?
Cakes for my granny
I like cakes! (The Wolf runs to Granny's house. granny is in bed.Oh, no! Granny is in trouble)

Aaargh!Help,help! (The big , bad wolf pushes Granny into the wardrobe and close de door).

Hello, Granny! Hello, dear!
Oh! What big eyes you've got, Granny!
Big eyes to see you with!
What big ears you've got!
Big ears to hear you with!
What big hands you've got, Granny!
Big hands to catch you with!
And what big teeth you've got!
Big teeth to eat you with!

(The song):
Watch out, watch out!
There's a wolf about.
Watch out, watch out!
There's a wolf about.
With bib, big eyes
To see you with.
And big, big ears
To hear you with.
With big, big hands
To catch you with.
And big, big teeth
To eat you with!
watch out, watch out!
There's a wolf about.
Watch out, watch out!
There's a wolf about.

Aaargh! Help, help!(Granny jumps out of the wardrobe and saves Little Red).
Help, help! I'm sorry! (The wolf runs away. Little Red is very happy).
I love you Granny!
And I love you too, dear!

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